Weather data for this week is incomplete.
Maximum Temperature for the week 37.0C (98F) on Fri. 3? readings above our monthly average of 27.1C.
Minimum Temperature for the week 9.6C (49F) on Tue. 3? readings above our monthly average of 12.3C.
Rainfall for the Week 28.4mm (81 points) 3 day of rain. (Rainfall figures for Tanunda).
Weather data thanks to BOM & Nuriootpa Viticulture Research Centre.

A very nice amount of rain early in the week for us, however it has been followed by gradually warming and very dry days. In fact the forecast for next week is for an extended heat wave. The rain of last week will help to cushion the impact of this heat on the vines, however we are stepping up our irrigation schedule to make sure each block is getting some water every week.
This week in the vineyard:
We are finishing off the last of the spraying this week. All of our early whites have now been sprayed, with the rest to be sprayed as early as we can in the new year. With the forecast hot weather for the next week, I think I may need to do some night spraying. I am also trying to get some more weed spraying done. I have not been getting much done this week due to all the public holidays and now I will not get much done because of the weather - very frustrating!
I pray everyone has a very happy and above all safe New year, I look forward to posting again in 2008.