Saturday, April 05, 2008

2008 Nuffield Scholarships now open

Just a quick message to let you all know that the next round of Nuffield scholarships are now open for Australian farmers. I won one of these scholarships last year (mine has been supported by Nufarm). Nuffield scholarships are open to young people involved in primary production here in Australia. These allow the winners to spend A$25,000 on travel to study anything agriculture related anywhere in the world. I am in the process of planning my travel at the moment - I have less than 7 weeks until I leave for my 16 weeks of study. During my travel I am planning on visiting New Zealand, Ireland, France, the USA, China, the Philippines, Spain and South Africa. I will be studying 'Regional branding and marketing to improve returns for producers'. As well as the travel you also get to mix with some of the most enthusiastic and 'switched on' young farmers from all over the world. You also get to step outside of your industry and study the broader picture of world agriculture. If you would like any more information go to, for more information and an application form or drop me an email at the address at the top of the page.

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