Weather Report Week Ending 25/4/08
Maximum Temperature for the week 26.4C (79F) on Thurs. 6 reading above our monthly average of 21.8C.
Minimum Temperature for the week 2.7C (37F) on Wed. 2 readings above our monthly average of 8.7C.
Rainfall for the Week 0.0mm (0 points) 0 days of rainfall recorded.
Weather data thanks to BOM & Nuriootpa Viticulture Research Centre.
Yet another beautiful autumn week for us. We have had some very cool nights , this should encourage the vines to start losing their leaves. As I write this the rain is tumbling down outside, so even though we recorded no rain in this week, I will have some good news for next week’s blog.
This week in the vineyard:
Well it is raining outside as I write this, so I am in for a very busy week. In the week that we have just had I finished spraying the last of the summer weeds in the row that we are not going to cultivate this year. We have mostly been targeting wire weed and any remaining caltrop plants. I am now ready to start seeding our cover crop; I was waiting for some rain – now I have no more excuses. I need to get it in the ground as fast as I can, before the soil cools down too much – we want as much growth as possible before winter. The photo this week shows some more of our autumn vine leaves.
Maximum Temperature for the week 26.4C (79F) on Thurs. 6 reading above our monthly average of 21.8C.
Minimum Temperature for the week 2.7C (37F) on Wed. 2 readings above our monthly average of 8.7C.
Rainfall for the Week 0.0mm (0 points) 0 days of rainfall recorded.
Weather data thanks to BOM & Nuriootpa Viticulture Research Centre.
Yet another beautiful autumn week for us. We have had some very cool nights , this should encourage the vines to start losing their leaves. As I write this the rain is tumbling down outside, so even though we recorded no rain in this week, I will have some good news for next week’s blog.

This week in the vineyard:
Well it is raining outside as I write this, so I am in for a very busy week. In the week that we have just had I finished spraying the last of the summer weeds in the row that we are not going to cultivate this year. We have mostly been targeting wire weed and any remaining caltrop plants. I am now ready to start seeding our cover crop; I was waiting for some rain – now I have no more excuses. I need to get it in the ground as fast as I can, before the soil cools down too much – we want as much growth as possible before winter. The photo this week shows some more of our autumn vine leaves.