Weather Report Week Ending 25/5/07
Maximum Temperature for the week 20.0C (68F) on Fri. 2 days above our average.
Minimum Temperature for the week 6.2C (43F) on Thurs. 6 days above our average.
Rainfall for the Week 11.6mm (33 points) 5 days of rain.
Weather data thanks to BOM & Nuriootpa Viticulture Research Centre.
A little bit of a damp week this week with rain recorded on 5 days. There has not however been a large amount of rain. We still need nearly 30mm of rain to make our average for the month of May. At least April was well above average - we need average or above rainfall for the next few months to help relieve the severity of our current drought.

This week in the vineyard:
We are continuing to prune, we have now finished blocks of young Semillon and Sauv. Blanc. Our cover crop is virtually all up now. We have only planted every second row this year to try to save some money and also reduce our water usage. We normally plant every row as a green manure crop to improve our soil. This year I have had to make the hard decision between conserving organic carbons in our soil or reducing our water use. This week's photo is a view over the Barossa from along Rifle Range road. The town in the distance is Nuriootpa. The Barossa ranges are now very green, as you can see.
We are continuing to prune, we have now finished blocks of young Semillon and Sauv. Blanc. Our cover crop is virtually all up now. We have only planted every second row this year to try to save some money and also reduce our water usage. We normally plant every row as a green manure crop to improve our soil. This year I have had to make the hard decision between conserving organic carbons in our soil or reducing our water use. This week's photo is a view over the Barossa from along Rifle Range road. The town in the distance is Nuriootpa. The Barossa ranges are now very green, as you can see.