Maximum Temperature for the week 23.0C (73F) on Wed.
Minimum Temperature for the week 9.2C (49F) on Mon.
Rainfall for the Week 40.0mm (114 points) 3 days of rain.
Weather data thanks to BOM & Nuriootpa Viticulture Research Centre.
Rain, rain, rain. At last we have had a large amount of rain, and it is continuing to fall as I write this. It looks like we may go close to some of our longstanding rainfall records for April. We have had very steady soaking rain Thurs. and Friday. The graph above shows the steady rain we had all day on Friday. Graph with thanks to Weatherzone.
This week in the vineyard:
We have started spreading fowl manure in the blocks we have identified that will need it. I have also been working up, where I could. Now that we have had all this rain we now need several dry days to enable us to get out in the vineyard - not normally a problem in our soil types. This rain has been so welcome to us coming just one week after the announcement of very severe water restrictions for next year for all Murray Darling irrigators. This has not solved the water issue for us, but it is a very good first step in the right direction.