Weather Report Week Ending 29/12/06
Maximum Temperature for the week 28C (82F) on Fri.
Minimum Temperature for the week 4.6C (40F) on Tue.
Rainfall for the Week 1.6mm (4 points) 2 days of rain.
Weather data thanks to BOM & Nuriootpa Viticulture Research Centre.
A rather cool week. Should have been a good week for flavour development. Just a small amount of rain with 2 nights of very spectacular thunderstorms (picture above). I found the first signs of verasion this week - the picture is of some Pinot Noir just starting to change colour.
This week in the vineyard:
Maximum Temperature for the week 28C (82F) on Fri.
Minimum Temperature for the week 4.6C (40F) on Tue.
Rainfall for the Week 1.6mm (4 points) 2 days of rain.
Weather data thanks to BOM & Nuriootpa Viticulture Research Centre.
A rather cool week. Should have been a good week for flavour development. Just a small amount of rain with 2 nights of very spectacular thunderstorms (picture above). I found the first signs of verasion this week - the picture is of some Pinot Noir just starting to change colour.

This week in the vineyard:
I have now completed our last (I hope) spray for the season. We will probably begin to sample some of our early varieties for maturity in this coming week. Harvest will be early this year - the earliest we have ever picked here is 31st Jan. we have the potential to beat that this year!