Weather Report Week Ending 10/11/06
Maximum Temperature for the week 28.0C (82F) on Fri.
Minimum Temperature for the week 5.2C (41F) on Fri.
Rainfall for the Week 0.0mm (0 points) 0 days of rain.
Weather data thanks to BOM & Nuriootpa Viticulture Research Centre.

No rain again this week. As you can see from the photo above the Barossa ranges have now taken on their Summer browns. Quite good flowering conditions this week - a very cool set of temperatures this week, only Thurs. and Fri. max temps being above average (this may have an impact on fruit initiation for next year). The only down side to flowering has been a couple of nights of very strong gully winds, this might have had implications for our fruit set on some varieties.
This week in the vineyard:
We continue to summer prune watershoots. This week we took petiols (leaf stems) from some of our blocks for analysis at a lab. to check on our vineyards nutritional health. The picture shows the block of Sauv. Blanc we topgrafted last week.
Maximum Temperature for the week 28.0C (82F) on Fri.
Minimum Temperature for the week 5.2C (41F) on Fri.
Rainfall for the Week 0.0mm (0 points) 0 days of rain.
Weather data thanks to BOM & Nuriootpa Viticulture Research Centre.

No rain again this week. As you can see from the photo above the Barossa ranges have now taken on their Summer browns. Quite good flowering conditions this week - a very cool set of temperatures this week, only Thurs. and Fri. max temps being above average (this may have an impact on fruit initiation for next year). The only down side to flowering has been a couple of nights of very strong gully winds, this might have had implications for our fruit set on some varieties.
This week in the vineyard:

We continue to summer prune watershoots. This week we took petiols (leaf stems) from some of our blocks for analysis at a lab. to check on our vineyards nutritional health. The picture shows the block of Sauv. Blanc we topgrafted last week.
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