Weather Report Week Ending 24/11/06
Maximum Temperature for the week 37.7C (100F) on Mon.
Minimum Temperature for the week 7.5C (45F) on Thur.
Rainfall for the Week 1.0mm (3 points) 2 days of rain.
Weather data thanks to BOM & Nuriootpa Viticulture Research Centre.
Well a week is a long time in the vineyard. The rain of last week seems like just a distant memory. We have had a very hot week this week, with very low humidity's (as low as 1% for a couple of hours on Mon.). Our soil moistures are still quite good, however they fall very fast in conditions like this.

This week in the vineyard:
We have been out spot spraying summer weeds as they germinate. We have also started to skirt some of our more sprawling varieties (Riesling, Chardonnay and Shiraz mostly), this promotes air movement through the canopies and reduces our risk of disease. The photo this week shows one of our 90 year old Shiraz vines that provide fruit for our Mad Dog Shiraz.
Maximum Temperature for the week 37.7C (100F) on Mon.
Minimum Temperature for the week 7.5C (45F) on Thur.
Rainfall for the Week 1.0mm (3 points) 2 days of rain.
Weather data thanks to BOM & Nuriootpa Viticulture Research Centre.
Well a week is a long time in the vineyard. The rain of last week seems like just a distant memory. We have had a very hot week this week, with very low humidity's (as low as 1% for a couple of hours on Mon.). Our soil moistures are still quite good, however they fall very fast in conditions like this.

This week in the vineyard:
We have been out spot spraying summer weeds as they germinate. We have also started to skirt some of our more sprawling varieties (Riesling, Chardonnay and Shiraz mostly), this promotes air movement through the canopies and reduces our risk of disease. The photo this week shows one of our 90 year old Shiraz vines that provide fruit for our Mad Dog Shiraz.