Maximum Temperature for the week 18.8C (65F) Tue.
Minimum Temperature for the week -0.4C (31F) Thurs.
Rainfall for the Week 0mm (0 points)
Weather data thanks to BOM & Nuriootpa Viticulture Research Centre.
No rain recorded at all this week. Two more frosts during the week. All 7 days this week our Max. temp. was above average, and only one night was our Min. above average. The continuing dry weather will have an impact on the number of buds that burst in spring, if it remains dry then our vines will not make as many shoots which will mean lower crop levels. This will possibly mean better quality wine but less of it this year. It is not too late in the season still for substantial rainfall, but I think the frosts we have had this year will reduce bud fruitfulness and ultimately yields.
This week in the vineyard :
We have now finished all of our pruining. Tieing down continues the picture below shows some 16 year old Shiraz vines after being tied down. The cover crops are really growing now, but if we don't get some rain soon we may have to shut them down sooner than we normally would, to preserve the moisture that is there.

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