Weather Report Week Ending 28/3/08
Maximum Temperature for the week 28.7C (84F) on Sun. & Mon. 2 readings above our monthly average of 25.5C.
Minimum Temperature for the week 0.9C (33F) on Fri. 1 reading above our monthly average of 11.2C.
Rainfall for the Week 4.4mm (12 points) 2 days of rainfall recorded.
Weather data thanks to BOM & Nuriootpa Viticulture Research Centre.
Our summer of extremes is continuing. This week has been much cooler. It is starting to feel a lot more like autumn here in the Barossa. We have gone very close to a record for a minimum temperature for March (0.9C on Friday). At last we have also recorded some rain, although it has hardly been enough to settle the dust.
Maximum Temperature for the week 28.7C (84F) on Sun. & Mon. 2 readings above our monthly average of 25.5C.
Minimum Temperature for the week 0.9C (33F) on Fri. 1 reading above our monthly average of 11.2C.
Rainfall for the Week 4.4mm (12 points) 2 days of rainfall recorded.
Weather data thanks to BOM & Nuriootpa Viticulture Research Centre.
Our summer of extremes is continuing. This week has been much cooler. It is starting to feel a lot more like autumn here in the Barossa. We have gone very close to a record for a minimum temperature for March (0.9C on Friday). At last we have also recorded some rain, although it has hardly been enough to settle the dust.

This week in the vineyard:
We have started on our winter work, yes, even though we only finished picking last week. I have started spreading poultry manure in every second row of our vineyard. I plan to start working this in as soon as we get some rain. We will then start to plant our cover crop, once we get a reasonable amount of rain. As you can see a lot now hinges on when we get our opening rain. We can get some jobs done before it rains, however once it starts raining we have to work as quickly as possible to get the cover crop in before our soil cools too much. We want to plant as early as we can to get as much vegetative growth as we can before winter. We grow a cover crop to provide as much vegetable matter as we can, to act as a mulch over summer.
We have started on our winter work, yes, even though we only finished picking last week. I have started spreading poultry manure in every second row of our vineyard. I plan to start working this in as soon as we get some rain. We will then start to plant our cover crop, once we get a reasonable amount of rain. As you can see a lot now hinges on when we get our opening rain. We can get some jobs done before it rains, however once it starts raining we have to work as quickly as possible to get the cover crop in before our soil cools too much. We want to plant as early as we can to get as much vegetative growth as we can before winter. We grow a cover crop to provide as much vegetable matter as we can, to act as a mulch over summer.
This week’s photo shows the Barossa ranges still looking very dry despite the rain of this week.