Maximum Temperature for the week 30.1C (86F) on Tue.
Minimum Temperature for the week 0.0C (32F) on Sat.
Rainfall for the Week 0.0mm (0 points) 0 days of rain.
Weather data thanks to BOM & Nuriootpa Viticulture Research Centre.
Yet again no rainfall recorded this week. Some of our winery reps are telling us to watch out for restricted growth - I have not seen any in our vineyard, however it will be a problem in some vineyards this year. Restricted growth could mean there will be more sunburn damage in those blocks later in the year. As I reported earlier, we had frost in the Barossa on Sat. morning, we have had some light damage to growing tips on some of our blocks, however I do not think we have lost much crop - we will know more after flowering. Chardonnay is in full flower this week, other varieties will be flowering in the next couple of weeks.
This week in the vineyard:
We have put on our 2nd fugicide spray. We have now finished mowing covercrops and will now spray anything that regrows. Watershoots are also being removed at the moment.

This picture shows some of the frost damage in the Stockwell/Light Pass areas. While small areas of the Barossa like this have been severely affected by frost, most of the Barossa is unaffected and the impact on our total crush is likley to be minimal.